Houzz has recently become the hottest Interior Design website.  It is part search engine, part directory database, part review site, and part social media framework.  Ambitiously covering so much ground it succeeds in what it promises and offers homeowners and commercial buyers an extraordinary environment to discover the designer that best fits their needs.

The above image is the Houzz page of noted Bucks County and Philadelphia interior designer Donna Hoffman.  What you can see is that it shows her latest projects, reviews, and information on her services.  It is like a personal website, yet it is integrated into a larger web of relationships.

Let's say you are searching for a Washington D.C. Interior Designer in Google.  Likely you will come across a Houzz page.  Houzz then directs you to their listings of DC Interior Designers.  It is like having search engine results showing in search engine results, yet this time the results are tied to their database and not the world wide web.

The same applies in Canada, in case you are north of the border.  If you explore Toronto or Southern Ontario interior designers you'll come across the Oakville Designer Joanne Jakab.  Like other designers in her area, she maintains a Houzz presence to showcase her work and connect with the design community.

If you happen to wonder why some designers appear higher in the Houzz rankings it is not because they are better, per se.  The placement is made based upon what is an elaborate mathematical formula, an algorithm, which gives certain preferences to different metrics related to the portfolio such as how much others like it by adding it to their Ideabooks and how responsive the designer is to questions about their work.  

Wishing you luck in finding your perfect match on Houzz so that your home will become your sanctuary and a fantastic place for entertaining!

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